In December, 2007, our cat Molly disappeared. She went out one day, and never came home. We posted signs around the neighborhood, sent out emails, and visited the shelter in hopes of finding her. But we never did. Finally on January 12, we decided to get another cat.
Molly only liked my husband and me, and would never even stay in the house if we had company. Her companion cat, Anna Livia, is a feral cat, and she shares our house, but is very afraid of people. We decided this time we wanted a really friendly cat. So off we went to the animal shelter-- my sister-in-law, my nieces, my son and his wife, and me. We looked at every cat they had, and I held many. Then my son said "what about one of these?" There were two kittens in a cage. One was black and white, the other a grey tiger. They were chasing each other all over the cage. I asked to hold the grey one first. Then I asked to hold the black and white one. She immediately started purring, and didn't stop as I handed her around to everyone.
So Ding Ding came home with us that day.
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