Wednesday, April 22, 2009

No boundaries

I've had complaints about the length of time I've left the dead rodent up on Ding DIng's blat. Tonight I will remedy that. Unfortunately I haven't been taking pictures of the Dingers lately. That doesn't mean she hasn't been busy--in fact she's been demonstrating new levels of fearlessness (or stupidity, depending on how you look at it). I just don't have photo documentation. Several weeks ago I saw DIng Ding stalking a raccoon across the neighbor's lawn. It was like she was herding it. More recently both Roger and I saw her tailing a possum. She lived to tell about both adventures, with no scars as far as I can seel--but I worry. She has no sense of her place in the universe. Since I don't have a new picture of her I am adding one from a previous visit to her island getaway.

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