Thursday, May 28, 2009

Everyone's a Critic

Due to complaints about the infrequency of posts of the Ding Ding Chronicles I am moved to write, albeit not for long. Ding Ding's newest relation continues to grow. I believe he now weighs more than she does.


Hello Mountain said...

Hi Ding Ding (and Eileen and Roger, of course)!

It was great to see all of you again and Mike and I are already devising a plan to get us out there again soon. Meeting Henry was the greatest pleasure of all, of course (sorry Ding Ding). Mike is hard at work on some pieces for grandpa's house, I am sure they will be a wonderful addition to such a lovely retreat.

Wish me luck as I start on the farm Monday. I found out today a portion of the Appalachian Trail runs through the farm property - I'll have to control myself to keep from running back (ps the AT blog has been updated).

Pet Ding Ding for me and I love the blat!

xoxo Lisa

Anonymous said...

If only we could see some more pictures of Ding Ding. I hear that Ding Ding now has a sibling?